A casual occasion which ended with Mexican hot chocolate and Conchas, Mexican sweet bread.

A casual occasion which ended with Mexican hot chocolate and Conchas, Mexican sweet bread.

Every great meal starts with a plan. What is the occasion? Who is invited? What will be served? After that, the look and feel of the dinner, the cocktails and the music, all align to set the stage, create the ambiance and ensure a good time is had by all. Sometimes, the planning is the best part of a party. All the possibilities are before you; the colors used, the china, crystal, linens, and flowers. All of these elements of style let your guests know that they are valued. For me, preparing the meal is just the beginning. Setting the stage for a great evening is the culmination of careful planning, preparation, and inviting guests into your home. It’s one of the most personal gifts you can give, and a true gesture of friendship. Whether it’s a casual weeknight meal, or a Saturday night Soiree, The table is your stage, set it appropriately.

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The images below are of tables I have set and the flowers, food and table decorations which inspire me.